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The best CMM value anywhere in the world....
designed for your shop.

Checkmaster Reliability

The compact Checkmaster is a bench top CMM ideal for lab or production floor. Hardened stainless steel ways and steel scales on steel structures offer uniform linear expansion minimizing thermal errors. The low cost means you can put competent inspection capability in multiple locations throughout your plant.

Intrinsic Accuracy Manual CMMs

We test every CMM before it leaves the factory for repeatability and accuracy, that meets or exceeds the industry standards as defined in ANSI B89.4.1a-1998. Our testing includes a repeatability test that exceed a minimum of 150 cycles, often recording a total range of 2.0 µm (0.00008") or better! These stringent targets are maintained without the need for expensive software compensation maps. Our goal is to build the CMM mechanically correct that will deliver the results you expect, year-after-year.

Every Checkmaster is designed and packaged for fast and secure installation by the customer. All key components are protected during shipping by specially designed brackets, that when removed, ensures the CMM is ready for your first inspection.

The Ideal Scanning System

Not every reverse engineering job requires expensive motorized CMMs. The Checkmaster using the Geomet Junior software provides tools such as GeoTracer which allows you to capture large data data point clouds using low cost hard probes. Ideal for outline tracing!

Geomet Junior

The software is preinstalled in the supplied Windows XP computer system. One USB connection from the CMM Interface is all that is required to complete the system. A User Guide is provided with easy-to-follow tutorials including sample inspection programs. Geomet maintains a web site dedicated to Geomet. Through this site, you will have the latest access to software upgrades and a full online manual that can be accessed directly through your CMM and Geomet.

Would you like more information? Please use our information request form.

Standard Configuration

•Granite worktable

•3/8"-16 Clamping inserts (M10 optional)

•Locks on all three axes

•USB ProCounter II Interface

•Zero-play fine adjustment on all axes

Custom Key Labels

•Electronic touch probe interface

Renishaw TP-ES touch probe kit

•Geomet Junior software

Calibration sphere

•Pentium computer system

•Windows XP

GeoWidget training part

Geomet Junior user guide

Online access to software upgrades

•1-Year CMM warranty

CMM Specifications

Measuring Range

Model Number

112-102 300mm (12") 300mm (12") 250mm (10")
216-142 400mm (16") 500mm (20") 350mm (14")

Overall Size

Model Number

112-102 635mm (25") 685mm (27") 965mm (38")
216-142 735mm (29") 915mm (36") 1150mm (45")

Model Number




112-102 .5 µm (0.000020") 4 µm (0.00014") 8.6 µm (0.00034")
216-142 .5 µm (0.000020") 4 µm (0.00014") 9.6 µm (0.00038")

Linear Accuracy : 0.00016" + 0.000005" per inch

MPEp : 4.5 µm

MPEe : 4.5 µm + L/200, (L = Measured Length in mm)

Performance per ANSI B89.4.1a-1998 : Standard is based on dynamic measurements with Electronic Probe and 200mm or 300mm Ball Bar.

Mechanical Accuracy is intrinsic without volumetrically compensating through software.

Tests are conducted at standard 68°F (20°C) and 50% humidity.

Weight :

112-102 : 69kg (153 lbs)    
216-142 : 113 kg (250 lbs)    
System Options

Geomet 101, 301

•Cabinet with Monitor Arm

•GeoStat, Real-time SPC

Clamp Kit

•Video Cross Hair Probe

•Hard Probes

•Manual Foot Switch


To view our complete Checkmaster manual CMMs brochure, please click here.

To view all product documentation, click here.


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