EZ-Launch Menu System


Helmel Engineering
6520 Lockport Road
Niagara Falls, NY 14305

Toll Free 800-BEST-CMM
Phone: 716-297-8644
Fax: 716-297-9405






The EZ Launch Menu System provides a simple, Touch Screen compatible user interface for your Coordinate Measuring Machine in production environments. Most CMM applications, including standard Geomet, requires that the operator navigates the file storage system in Windows to locate the desired inspection program. Some applications offer a limited single touch system, or single application button system. We listened to our customers who have submitted suggestions on how to make inspection program access even better.


There are two modes of operation for the EZ Launch Menu System. One mode requires the interaction by an operator to choose the inspection programs to run. The other mode is an automated polling system that looks for the presence of a script file or a digital I/O interface with PLCs, via the USB port.


In the manual mode, the operator needs only to touch a single button to invoke the inspection process and any number of pre-defined inspection programs. In the automated mode, Geomet waits for instructions from an outside communication channel such as a file, digital I/O or by reading the USB port. The operator, or a PLC would direct Geomet which inspection programs to run and which fixtures have parts located in them. The inspection process will cycle through all designated inspection programs freeing the operator to work on other tasks while the inspections occur.


For full detailed help on setup and usage, please check the Geomet EZ Launch Menu System Help Pages.



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