Helmel Engineering
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December 15, 2007

Helmel Engineering Products, Inc.


Helmel is proud to announce its next generation of Universal CMM Software, Geomet. There have been many changes and upgrades to key features, most notably the release of Geomet 501 designed for use with the Renishaw UCC scanning controller.


Please review the chart below for some of the key changes:

New! Measured and constructed Ellipse.
New! Graphic visible state control.
New! New Reference Sphere and Surface Plate definition and graphic option.
New! Radial Border Scanning Tool for use in Geomet 501.
New! Outside shape following scanning tool for Geomet 501.
New! Expanded math function to work with reported distance values. These include minimum, maximum, spread and averages.
New! Stylus Substitution tool for use in Geomet 501.
Updated! Expanded Runout tools.
Updated! Feature Tags for printing and SPC export have been expanded to cover all features and attributes.
Updated! Corrected the Fixture Coordinate System database tools for importing into a inspection report.
Updated! Changed the Stylus Manager to allow easier selection of styli through the use of the mouse or keyboard.
Updated! Corrected how Motion Attributes were being edited.
Updated! Expanded the functionality of the RTP20 probe system for use with the MCR20 rack system.

For additional information, please visit the Geomet Version 7 information page found here.


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