GeoNews - February 2007

Edition 2007.1

Geomet Latest Release, 6.66.004

In December 2006 we released the next generation of Geomet free to all SSC customers.

Many improvements have been completed to expand on existing tools and implement new ones. Check the latest news on the release.

What's New In Geomet
  1. Rebuilt Graphics engine with enhanced tools for better, more efficient handling.
  2. Support for the Renishaw UCC2 system providing new tools for contact scanning and articulating probe heads.
  3. Expanded 3D construction tools such as Sphere Offset and Sphere Diameter.
  4. Support for the Renishaw RTP20 Articulating Probe Head. A unique system that incorporates the power of a motorized CMM to provide the power to the probe head for cost conscience probe automation.

Read more about latest Geomet release >>


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MDM 2007 Feb. 13-15!

Helmel Engineering will be at the Medical Design and Mfg. West 2007 trade show held at the Anaheim Convention Center.

Other Upcoming Shows.

G-Code Interpreter!

In the first quarter of 2007, Geomet will be launching a new service designed for wire EDM operations.

This new tool will read the G-Code machine file and build the complete inspection process. 


General News
Welcome to GeoNews!

This is our first edition of GeoNews. A newsletter to help you, our customers and Quality Professionals to keep informed on the latest happenings with Helmel Engineering and it's flagship software, Geomet. Please help us to get the word out by passing this newsletter along. Anyone can signup by using the GeoNews Registration Form.

UCC2 CMM Scanning Tools  

Extend the capabilities of your inspection and reverse engineering capabilities. The Renishaw Universal CMM Controller powering a Helmel Phoenix or Microstar CMM can move you beyond general inspection into high data point feature analysis.

"Time to calibrate your CMM"   

Calibrating your CMM is an essential component to keep your inspections accurate. Only a factory calibration will ensure your CMM is operating at it's most accurate and trouble free operation. Not all calibration firms have the capacity to calibrate your CMM properly. Contact our service department at (716) 297-8644 or request information here.

Geomet Tip & Tricks
Using the Feature Selector  

The Feature Selection Tool is a powerful extension to the handling of features to be used in constructions, math solutions and motion disabling. To learn more about this powerful tool,  visit, Geomet - Feature Selection Tool.

Need Help or Suggestions?  

To help you to learn about the power of Geomet, we are launching a series of tutorials and programming examples. Do you need a specific example? Please submit to us a request to include a tutorial or programming example in future GeoNews editions.

Helmel Engineering Products Inc.
6520 Lockport Road
Niagara Falls, NY 14305

Phone: (716) 297-8644
Fax: (716) 297-9405