GeoNews - April 2007

Edition 2007.3

Microgage in the shop!

MicroGageSmall parts? No problem. The Microgage was designed for small high accuracy production parts that require tighter tolerance than a standard CMM.

Fully enclosed and shop floor ready, the Microgage fills the void that many larger CMMs can not deliver.

Check out the Microgage and see how it can fit your needs.


Advance your Knowledge with Geomet and GDT Training, April 9 - 13!

Helmel Engineering offers monthly classes to help learn the Geomet Family of Inspection software.

visit Geomet Training.

General News

Helmel Engineering, The Early Years 1973 - 1980

Helmel Engineering Company started in Rochester, New York in March 1973 by the founder, Erwin Helmel. The company started by designing automatic assembly lines for General Motors and general purpose systems for companies such as Kodak and Xerox.

CheckMasterDuring this time, Mr. Helmel developed and began to produce the CheckMaster Coordinate Measuring Machine. Manufacturing in the USA was looking for productive ways to perform inspections with high reliability and consistent results. The CheckMaster found it's calling. The early systems were all manually operated using hard probes with a digital readout. Simple strip printers could be added to provide a printout of the results.

As a testimonial to the product endurance, CMM #2 was produced in 1975 and is still in service today, it is calibrated every year by our factory staff. In fact the company that bought CMM #2 also bought several more in 1975 and 1976 all of which are still in service. They continued buying Helmel CMMs well into the 21st century!

In 1977, the company incorporated into Helmel Engineering Products, Inc. as their CMM products were now sold throughout the United States. In 1977.....throughout the United States.....the introduction of calculators, such as the HP9815 and the Renishaw Touch Probe were pushing the CMM to a whole new level. The subsequent appearance of the desktop computer made the rapid inspection of complex 3-D parts possible even with rudimentary software. Growth was pushing HEPI beyond it's current building capacity and in January 1980, it relocated to Niagara Falls in a new 8,000 square foot building.

In upcoming issues of GeoNews, we will highlight the 1980 - 1990 period which forced all CMM manufacturers to their capacity. This was an exciting period of innovation and growth.

"Time to calibrate your CMM"   

Calibrating your CMM is an essential component to keep your inspections accurate. Only a factory calibration will ensure your CMM is operating at it's most accurate and trouble free operation. Not all calibration firms have the capacity to calibrate your CMM properly. Contact our service department at (716) 297-8644 or request information here.

Geomet Tip & Tricks
EZ Launch Menu System 

EZ Launch MenuProduction pushes the envelope for all CMM companies to create a system that can be used by a variety of trained and untrained personnel. The CMM has become a production tool used on the production floor, as any machine cutting tool. The need for speed is essential and getting the inspection program up and running when the operator is not only the production person, but also the inspector. The EZ Launch Menu System was designed for this environment. With a single touch, one or more inspection programs can be initiated allowing your production personnel to get back to making the chips. To see a tutorial on the EZ Launch Menu System, click here.

Need Help or Suggestions?  

To help you to learn about the power of Geomet, we are launching a series of tutorials and programming examples. Do you need a specific example? Please submit to us a request to include a tutorial or programming example in future GeoNews editions.

Helmel Engineering Products Inc.
6520 Lockport Road
Niagara Falls, NY 14305

© 2007 Helmel Engineering Products, Inc.

Phone: (716) 297-8644
Fax: (716) 297-9405