GeoNews - May 2007

Edition 2007.4

Delivering the data you need!

MicroGageHelmel has delivered it's first Renishaw UCC2 scanning system with two more to be delivered before summer starts!

Whether your needs are scanning, or capturing large data point sets to evaluate form, the Geomet UCC2 package will deliver you the results.

Geomet has been expanded to support the full capabilities of the UCC2. Never before has such advanced capabilities been easier to use. For a full description, click here.

Visit us at: Eastec 2007
West Springfield, MA
May 9 - 13!

Helmel Engineering will be at the Eastec 2007 trade show held at the Eastern States Exposition.

Other Upcoming Shows.

General News

Helmel Engineering Technology Center, Orange California

In 2005, Helmel Engineering opened a full support Technology Center in Orange California to support the sales network, training and factory support west of the Mississippi. Ingo Helmel, previously the sales manager at our home office in Niagara Falls, NY is heading up this adventure and it's success has kept him very busy. Through this office we have generated sales to Oakley Inc., manufacturing world-class products for athletes and John Force Racing just to name a couple.

The Technology Center offers full training facilities to train your operators in the use of Geomet, GeoStat and related Y14 interpretation classes.

Application services are available to assist you when evaluating our CMM products, or to provide answers to your complicated inspection requirements.

To contact our Technology Center:

2324 North Batavia Street
Unit 106
Orange, CA 92865
(714) 637-9378
(714) 637-5266 fax


"Time to Service your CMM"   

Your CMM needs periodic attention by a qualified service engineer to ensure it delivers the results you expect. The demand on the CMM to deliver accurate reported values day after day and year after year often is taken for granted. Most organizations do not check the accuracy of the CMM on a regular basis instead they rely on outside services to "validate" the CMM accuracy. This can often lead to erroneous results as most services that support many brands can not be expects on any brand.

No matter what CMM brand you own, it is suggested to have the factory perform periodic service to ensure it meets the standards and prevent potential liability issues. To have your Helmel CMM serviced and maintained to it's highest standard, contact our service department at (716) 297-8644 or request information here.

Geomet Tip & Tricks
The Planar Profile Tool 

Measuring a plane provides only a small set of answers to what the plane really looks like. The normal reporting of a plane produces the orientation, known as projected angles and the Part Coordinate Pierce axis point. To understand what the plane looks like, we need to look at every data point that was used to create the plane. The Geomet tool used to analyze the plane is the Planar Profile.

To see what the Planar Profile tool can do for you, click here.

Need Help or Suggestions?  

To help you to learn about the power of Geomet, we are launching a series of tutorials and programming examples. Do you need a specific example? Please submit to us a request to include a tutorial or programming example in future GeoNews editions.

Helmel Engineering Products Inc.
6520 Lockport Road
Niagara Falls, NY 14305

Phone: (716) 297-8644
Fax: (716) 297-9405

© 2007 Helmel Engineering Products, Inc.
Helmel West
2324 North Batavia Street
Orange, CA 92865

Phone: (714) 637-9378
Fax: (714) 637-5266