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Offline CMM Programming Advantages

Offline CMM programming was born out of the desire to improve accuracy and to maximize the ROI of a CMM by keeping it running as much as possible and increase throughput rates. This is supported by utilizing offline CMM programming which allows to prepare the measurement programs before the part even physically exists. This way the measurement routine is ready for inspection as soon as the part is manufactured.

The offline CMM programming software can be viewed as a virtual coordinate measuring machine simulating the situation as if the CMM operator programs while sitting in front of a real measuring machine.

Key components like CMM specifications, fixtures and probes can all be animated in 3-D graphics with offline CMM programming. The DMIS specification standard has grown into the native CMM programming language today in order to standardize results data and the interchange of static inspection commands.

To avoid loss of precision when practicing offline CMM programming it is good advice to import the native file format directly into the CMM.


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