Digitizing and Scanning


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Digitizing and Scanning Summary:

Geomet provides several Digitizing and Scanning modes for use in reverse engineering. These modes expand your CMM beyond the traditional inspection platform into a support tool to redefine and explore production parts that may have no known nominal data.

Additional uses include defining outline shapes to determine CNC path generation. All data can be exported in IGES format as complete entities, or as XYZ data point locations in DXF and ASCII formats.

Geomet 501 provides support for analog contact scanning utilizing probe systems such as the Renishaw SP25. This method provides high concentration of data points for better feature analysis and reverse engineering.


Manual Digitizing:

MANUAL DIGITIZING is basically performed two ways. Taking single points with a touch probe is most common for lower point densities. to capture large data clouds, GeoTracer or drag-digitizing in Geomet where a solid probe is "dragged" across the surface, provides a stream of data points at predetermined intervals. This is, by far, the fastest way to digitize, except for the Line Laser on a DCC CMM. The data clouds then can be exported via IGES, DXF or ASCII.


DCC Digitizing and Scanning:

Digitizing with Geomet on a DCC style CMM with a touch probe provides several tools designed to work with many part shapes. These tools are 2D and 3D to match the requirement of the end result. The various tools provide contour walking, which can be used to capture date on a uneven surface such as a turbine blade, or even a radial surface following mode that will capture data on the end of a cylinder as shown at the right.

Digitizing with a manual CMM is provided with tools such as GeoTracer which provides hard probe drag scanning for high density data point clouds.

Scanning capabilities are provided using Geomet 501 and the Renishaw UCC2 controller. Utilizing the SP25 scanning probe, you can capture uniform data point clouds over a variety of surfaces. Additionally, the scanning capabilities are applied to prismatic features for a better understanding of the shape using the analytical tools built within Geomet.

The Geomet web site contains many descriptive articles detailing the usage of these tools. Please use the following index to access the full description.

Reverse Engineering Reverse Engineering Summary
GeoTracer - Manual Data Cloud Scanning
Select Scan Method
Line Scan
4 Point Boundary Scan
Radial Boundary Scan
Building and Exporting Tools Cardinal Spline
Feature Export Tool
IGES Entity Support

Line Laser Scanning :

Geomet provides support for Line Laser Scanning. This tool is designed to capture large data clouds which is then exported and compared to nominal data within a CAD system.


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